Any dancer will tell you that their dance bag is their lifeline. It’s stocked with their absolute essentials and favorite items and going anywhere to rehearse or perform without it simply isn’t an option. We’re catching up with performers on the WOD Live tour to see what are their current must-have items are in their #worldofdancebag while on the road.

Madeline Mihacevich (of the ever amazing Mihacevich Sisters trio) shared with us her absolute essential items in her dance bag right now. Check it out below.

Madeline Mihacevich #worldofdancebag

WOD: Tell us what’s in your #worldofdancebag!

MM: The entire cast of the WOD Live Tour is currently using Gruv Gear backpacks!!!  They are all customized with our names and have the cutest WOD Live zipper pull on them. We’re all pretty obsessed with these backpacks. The coolest part is that you can actually customize the colors of the backpacks too! (Gruv Gear is actually selling the WOD Live zipper pulls on their website if you want one!! So cute!!)

Of course my tour bag has the standards like shoes, hair ties, bobby pins, etc. But here’s a few of the other items in my bag:
  1. Olay face wipes. My sisters and I are pretty addicted to these. They are great because you can take them anywhere! They are a quick solution to washing off sweat after a rehearsal or make up after a show.
  2. Batiste Dry Shampoo. This is another fav of ours!!! We use this on the regular too!  It’s the perfect solution between rehearsal and show time!  Often there’s not a lot of time in between our show day run thru and our Meet & Greets with fans – and this is our go to product for a quick fix.
  3. Biofreeze. I think this is the product that gets passed around the most. 🙂 Sore muscles come with the territory…and this is a life saver!
  4. Which leads me to my pink ball!  This ball is perfect for rolling out knots and sore muscles. My hips tend to get tight a lot and using my ball to help them release has become part of my daily routine.
  5. Snacks. I think all of us tend to keep a handful of snacks in our bags to help keep our body fueled. Tour days can be long and we are never sure when we are going to get a chance to eat.
  6. Make up. We are all doing our own make up for the tour. Fake lashes and my Urban Decay eye shadows are a staple for me!
  7. Computer/Phone/Chargers. Trying to keep up with school work is not always easy – so my sisters and I bring our school stuff with us so that if we have an opportunity to get stuff done we can. Most of our school work is happening on the bus — but every so often we have extra down time at the venues.  And our phone and charger…well who doesn’t like to keep up with their friends at home??! 🙂 Plus we are trying to document as much of this amazing experience as we can!!!

Follow along with the WOD Live Tour and find out what’s in some of your favorite NBC World of Dance contestants’ dance bags on This Is WOD. World of Dance is your destination for exclusive interviews, up-to-date news, and all things dance.


