As we prepare for NBC World of Dance season 2, a TV show for World of Dance Philippines is in the works. The show will be aired on the Filipino television netwo...
The first ever Live Justice Awards held on March 27th celebrated the dynamite power of girls who are making a positive impact on the world. Among the honorees, ...
Over the last decade, World of Dance has undergone an immense amount of growth and change, from a single event in 2008 to what is now an international event tou...
Thanks to behind the scenes posts, we know that NBC World of Dance season two taping is almost wrapped. Luckily we have a new teaser to hold us over till May 29...
Season 1 of NBC World of Dance was a whirlwind of excitement and mind-blowing performances. Now that we have the premiere date of season 2 (May 29 at 10/9 centr...
Last week ET posted an exclusive article about Julianne Hough coming to NBC World of Dance season 2 as a mentor.
"I actually just did a mentor session with ....
After weeks of teasers on social media and the excitement ramping up, we can finally mark our calendars. NBC World of Dance season 2 premieres May 29 at 10/9 ce...
World of Dance CEO and NBC World of Dance executive producer Matthew Everitt recently wrote a letter to the amazing World of Dance community. Check it out below...
Knowing season 2 of NBC World of Dance taping is happening is killing us with suspense. Lucky for us, our amazing celebrity judges Jennifer Lopez, Derek Hough, ...
2018 is ramping up to be one of our best years yet. From celebrating 10 years of World of Dance to season 2 of NBC World of Dance, and so much more, we can't wa...
Do you love NBC World of Dance? Us too! Season 2 is coming this May, and now's your change to enter to win two tickets (and more!) to the NBC World of Dance fin...
Did you catch the NBC World of Dance Super Bowl commercial during the big game? It had us on the edge of our seats.
Featuring season 1 winners Les Twins; celeb...