While a lot of contestants on NBC's World of Dance hail from entertainment capitals Los Angeles or New York, the Mihacevich Sisters are proud to represent their...
The 2017 World of Dance Finals are just around the corner (July 22 in Pasadena), and we caught up with artist Michael Ong about the mural he created for the eve...
The last—and possibly most intense—of the head-to-head duels went down tonight on NBC’s World of Dance. There were amazing performances, stellar acts were elimi...
The 2017 World of Dance Finals will be held in Pasadena on July 22, 2017, and we can't wait. This annual event features the winners of World of Dance competit...
The 2017 World of Dance Finals will be held in Pasadena on July 22, 2017, and we can't wait. This annual event features the winners of World of Dance competit...
The 2017 World of Dance Finals will be held in Pasadena on July 22, 2017, and we can't wait. This annual event features the winners of World of Dance competit...
We are officially halfway through the epic first season of NBC's World of Dance, tune in tonight at 10/9 central to watch as more teams go head-to-head and see ...
As we gear up for the 2017 World of Dance Finals in Pasadena on July 22, 2017, we are checking in with winners from qualifying competitions, up next: Savage Dan...
Even though we get the best of the best on NBC's World of Dance, we don't always witness or understand how much goes into nailing a performance. To compete on t...
School gyms with dimmed lights, sweaty palms, awkward dancing, everyone has an awkward school dance story to tell. Even NBC's World of Dance celebrity judges Ne...
The 2017 World of Dance Finals will be held in Pasadena on July 22, 2017, and we can't wait. This annual event features the winners of World of Dance competitio...
The 2017 World of Dance Finals will be held in Pasadena on July 22, 2017, and we can't wait. This annual event features the winners of World of Dance competitio...