The Nutcracker is one of the most iconic and classic ballets of all time. Brooklyn Ballet presents "Brooklyn Nutcracker," a re-imagining of Tchaikovsky's classi...
Hip hop and urban dance styles are a versatile, expressive, and unique style of dance. Gaining inspiration from nearly everything around it, the history of hip ...
Ian Eastwood blew us away on NBC World of Dance. From being almost eliminated the first round, to beating out the Jabbawockeez in the duels, it was incredible t...
We already know that World of Dance winners are in an exclusive group. They're some of the best crews in the world and their hard work, creativity, athleticism,...
NBC World of Dance winners Les Twins just released the official recap video on YouTube from Germany "What Happened" performance and it's just as epic as you'd e...
Remember that amazing NBC World of Dance #aboutlastnight party that gave us major FOMO? Check out executive producer and celebrity judge Jennifer Lopez talk abo...
With crew members hailing all the way from Vietnam, the Philippines, and across California, WOD Bay Area Team winners Str8jacket have a lot to offer. We were lu...
When Diana Pombo took the stage on season one of NBC World of Dance, we had no idea she'd make such an impact. From her emotional performance to her hug with ce...
If you've been lucky enough to hit up a live World of Dance event then you're most likely familiar with Brandon 'Knowbody' Greathouse. From being an epic host f...
When you combine pint-sized dancers full of fire and sass, throwback hits, and an amazing choreographer and videographer, you're bound to create something amazi...
Remember when the Kinjaz opened their new dojo studio in China, alongside their friends Sinostage? Well it's just as incredible as you'd expect. Check out this ...
Fik-Shun is undoubtably a freestyle master. Check out one of his most recent freestyle battles with Jake Kodish.
Elizabeth Spurbeck is a dance teacher, writer, and marketing professional who specializes in content + digital marketing and herding preschool-aged ballerinas.