Our World of Dance Romania 2018 regional event in Cluj-Napoca attracted diverse competitors who performed with undeniable passion and reminded us that dance is a universal language. Stay tuned for videos of these award-winning performances. Now introducing the #WODCLUJ18 winner circle… drum roll, please.

Junior Division Winners

1st: X-STYLE Kids

2nd: Pink Army

3rd: K.O.P CREW

Team Division Winners

1st: Revolution Family

2nd: Hometown Dance

3rd: Young Till Death

Upper Division Winners

1st: Challenge Arts

2nd: T-Rex

3rd: Jump In CREW


Image source.

The WOD Finals are now the WOD Championships where qualifiers from around the world compete. The Championships are just part of the 2018 World of Dance Championship Week, celebrating 10 years of World of Dance. Get all the details here. World of Dance is your destination for exclusive interviews, up-to-date news, and all things dance. Keep up with all the latest news on This Is WOD.


